
RadReads by Khe Hy

The surprising money stresses of the ultra-rich

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

Hey there Reader,

Happy NYC Marathon day - one of my favorite days in NYC. On the left coast, we're off to the first family USC game today. And don't forget to fall back tonight.

I've also been uploading new videos to YouTube on a weekly basis. Subscribe to our channel below 👇.

🎧 In this week's podcast, we ask: How do you define success?​

The surprising money stresses of the ultra-rich

Imagine being having $20 million and being scared of losing it all.

Now imagine having $100 million and "sleeping with one eye open."

Yup, the scarcity mindset is a terrifying boogieman.

A boogieman who strikes at all levels of wealth.

It's a fear that lurks around the corner. A fear that the "rational brain" can't overcome by itself.

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Here are this week's top reads:

// one

How hard should I push myself?

6 minutes | Chain of Thought

A little stress can sometimes be motivating to help you get something done, but too much can lead to burnout. Manage stress by increasing your sense of control and predictability, creating outlets for your frustration and hanging out with the homies.

→ Read the post​

// two

A few laws of getting rich

7 minutes | Collab Fund

What’s on the other side of accumulating wealth? Morgan Housel once again delivers a powerful told-you-so of sorts. My favorites include “success and anxiety made you rich, but now you can’t let go of it” (ahem, today's essay) and “there is no easy way to manage wealth and kids.”

→ Read the post​

// three

How much control do you have over your own happiness?

11 minutes | Greater Good Magazine

Positive psychology offers a breath of fresh air given its focus on strengths, virtues, and happiness. But the “easy steps” and “quick fixes” that promise to make you a happier person also overlook the power of social forces in shaping our life satisfaction.

→ Read the article​

Below the Fold


And finally, this dude has NAILED time management.

With gratitude,


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RadReads by Khe Hy

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