
RadReads by Khe Hy

Ready to achieve your goals and get more out of life? Join 50,000 ambitious professionals who are pursuing productivity, growing their career and creating financial freedom.

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Should you buy a boring business?

Guess what's sexy these days? Cargo pants. Chunky sneakers. And buying boring businesses. Yup. Folks are ditching their fancy Wall Street and FANG careers to buy... wait for it... Laundromats, pest control services and plastic bag manufacturers. This week on The Examined Life Podcast, we’re joined by former hedge fund investor and small business owner Ben Jasper. We ask the question: Should you buy an unsexy business? (Watch on YouTube) 🎧 Or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favorite...

Hey Reader, I hope you’re having a rad start to the weekend. My friend (and podcast guest) Nat Eliason just wrote the ultimate beach read. I rarely read non-fiction, but devoured Crypto Confidential in one sitting. Y’all know I don’t really care much for crypto — what makes the book so dope is how it exposes the sketchiness, the massive wealth creation (then destruction) and how one man (Nat) thought it would be his young family’s lottery ticket towards financial independence. Get Crypto...

On Monday, I turned 45. I’ve lived 60.3% of my lifespan. I have way less hair. But at least I’ve held on to my six pack. I left Wall Street so that I could have time freedom, raise my kids and surf every day. And I learned a few lessons along the way. I’ll share 45 of them on workaholism, borderline alcoholism, finding aliveness, taking a huge pay cut and what to do when you find your favorite t-shirt. This week on a solo episode of The Examined Life Podcast, Khe answers the question: What...

Hi Reader, I hope you’re having a rad start to the weekend. And I hope our friends impacted by Hurricane Beryl are staying safe. One of the biggest mistakes people make in the name of "productivity" is not truly understanding their WHY. Why do you want more time? Why do you want more output? Supercharge your Productivity is the only course that connects the pursuit of productivity to life’s larger questions so you can design a system that works for you. Get Supercharge your Productivity → 🎧...

Imagine you’re about to have your first kid. But your career is muddling along and you don’t have a reliable source of income. You need a plan to grow your wealth. Quickly. Oh BTW it’s the start the pandemic where crypto is going "to the moon." Where does this take you? A wild ride involving anonymous crypto co-founders, millions of dollars (of paper profits) and getting hacked (or bamboozled). This week on The Examined Life Podcast, we’re joined by writer and serial entrepreneur Nat Eliason....

Hello Reader, I hope you’re enjoying a long holiday weekend. Is the summer giving you time for the nagging feeling of, is this it? Or are you finding it hard to unplug — without guilt or worry? The traditional playbook of success doesn’t account for fulfillment, existential angst, creative inspiration and – most importantly – feeling a deep sense of aliveness. It doesn’t solve for a life well-lived. If you're ready to rewrite your success playbook, we’ve created a unique coaching experience...

Happy Independence day, friends! There’s a simple playbook for happiness. One we’ve been taught since we were kids. Study hard. Get a good job. Climb the ladder. Make a bunch of money. And then you’ll be happy. So why do so many of us feel unfulfilled, lost and rudderless? This week on The Examined Life Podcast, we’re joined by Stephanie Harrison, an expert on the psychology of happiness and the author of New Happy. We ask the question: What do we get wrong about happiness? (Watch on YouTube)...

Is IQ Overrated?

Everyone loves to talk about IQ. It’s the raw brain power that knocks our socks off. But EQ, or emotional intelligence, might be even more powerful. It provides the finesse to interact with your peers, confidence to pitch to investors and charisma to recruit top talent. IQ is something we’re born with. But what about social intelligence? This week, on a solo episode of The Examined Life Podcast, Khe asks the question: How do you develop social intelligence? (Watch on YouTube) 🎧 Or listen on...

The new status symbols

Hi Reader, Happy Juneteenth! And I hope my friends in the Northeast are staying cool in the heat dome. Are you trapped in the never-ending game of whack-a-mole with your goals, tasks and priorities? Do you keep tackling the “small” things and putting off the “big” things. Supercharge your Productivity is the only course that connects the pursuit of productivity to life’s larger questions so you can design a system that works for you. Get Supercharge your Productivity → 🎧 In this week's...

When I was in college, everyone wanted to be a banker or consultant. Then everyone wanted to be a venture-backed founder. But is the real cheat code building a lifestyle business? A business without investors and board meetings — where you choose freedom above everything else. This week on The Examined Life Podcast, we’re joined by founder, CEO and gardener extraordinaire Kevin Espiritu. We ask the question: How do you build a lifestyle business? (Watch on YouTube) 🎧 Or listen on Spotify,...